A student of 关注 is any student who is displaying behaviors that may interfere with their ability to be successful in the University environment. 如需举报受关注的学生,请填写 关注学生网上表格,这将被直接送到大学的CARE团队.
的同学, 家庭成员, 教师, and 工作人员 can play an invaluable role in helping students who are in distress. 你的兴趣表达, 关注, and compassion is an important factor for a student seeking the assistance they need. If immediate assistance is needed because of a threat to themselves or someone’s safety, 拨打911报警. 适用于校内情况, contact the Department of 校园安全 at 540-678-4444 or dial extension 4444 from any campus phone.
了解更多信息或问题, please contact the 负责学生事务的副总裁兼院长, 苏奥德利, at 540-545-7399.
一旦学生关注报告被归档, it is sent to the CARE Team for review. A member of the CARE Team will contact the individual who filed the report to confirm their report has been received, 根据需要收集更多信息, 并分享正在采取的措施来帮助支持学生. 请注意,根据情况和保密, the referring person may not receive specific information about the student’s action plan. The CARE Team meets weekly and will discuss potential resources and outreach to students referred through the student of 关注 process. 根据情况和需要程度, a member of the CARE Team may reach out directly to the student of 关注 to assess what resources would be beneficial to the student and collaboratively develop an action plan with the student to reduce obstacles to their success at Shenandoah.
The mission of the CARE team is to coordinate the support services of 澳门线上赌博平台大学 in order to provide assistance to students who may be experiencing some potentially harmful or disturbing behaviors and promote academic success and safety through an appropriate, 及时的, 关怀的回应.
- Provide a safe physical environment for members of the university community
- 为大学社区提供一个安全的情感环境
- 促进大学社区的朋友和家人的心灵安宁
sodrisco09@warocolor.com | 540-545-7399
bburton@warocolor.com | 540-665-4799
safety@warocolor.com| 540-665-4444
hphillip@warocolor.com | 540-665-4928
ncoleman@warocolor.com | 540-665-4530
红桉.moser@warocolor.com | 540-665-1290
行为协调人 & 社区标准
jcooper18@warocolor.com | 540-667-4462
- 上课时经常打瞌睡
- 能量水平的急剧变化(高或低)
- 不卫生或外表改变
- 体重显著变化
- 频繁的酒精中毒状态
- 潜在的自我伤害:明显的割伤、瘀伤或烧伤
- 反复旷课、旷工、旷学或旷课
- 参与水平的冷漠/极端变化
- 寻求频繁的延期或例外情况
- 如发送通信频繁, 冗长的, “咆哮,或者是教授发出的激动的电子邮件, 顾问, 教练, 或者工作主管
- 情绪爆发(愤怒或敌意,频繁哭泣)
- 极端的性格变化(比平时更孤僻或更活跃)
- Expressed hopelessness, fear, or worthlessness; themes of suicide, death, and dying
- Direct statements related to distress, family issues, or other difficulties
- 粮食不安全或缺乏住房
- Interferes with or disrupts the educational process and rights of other students or the normal functions of the university
- 苛求、辱骂、欺凌或恐吓行为
- 极度易怒的表现
- 非理性或冲动行为
- 身体虐待的迹象
- 物理/言语冲突
- 直接威胁伤害自己或他人
- Concerns about, references to, or access to or use of a weapon or act of violence
- 威胁的沟通
- 私下见学生. 这可能有助于减少尴尬和防御.
- Acknowledge your observations and perceptions of their situation and express your 关注s.
- Listen carefully to the student’s issue and try to view their perspective without necessarily agreeing or disagreeing. 探索新方法.
- Attempt to identify the student’s 关注s as well as your own 关注s or uneasiness.
- 奇怪或不恰当的行为不应该被忽视. 直接评论你所观察到的.
- 只在力所能及的范围内参与其中. In an attempt to help a troubled student, you may become more involved than time or skill permits. In these instances, a referral to the 咨询中心 may be appropriate. The 咨询中心 provides free and confidential services to all matriculating students who are enrolled in degree-seeking programs.
- 将学生与咨询中心联系起来, call 540-665-4530 from your office or walk the student over to the lower level Racey Hall.
是的,学生关注报告可以匿名提交. 然而, because the CARE Team may need to follow up for clarification or additional information, 我们鼓励你在报告中说明自己的身份.
建议在向CARE小组提交报告之前, 记者首先直接和学生谈他们的担忧和, 在适当的时候, 向学生介绍校园资源. 然而, there may be circumstances when this is not appropriate or possible. Members of the CARE Team will take careful effort not to disclose the reporting party’s name. 然而, 由于我们的社区规模小或您关心的性质, 学生也许能断定是谁写的报告.
一旦学生关注报告被归档, a member of the CARE Team will contact the individual who filed the report to confirm their report has been received and that steps are being taken to help support the student. A representative from the CARE Team may also reach out with clarifying questions or requests for additional information. 在很多情况下, the Care Team may not be able to provide detailed follow-up information to the reporter as this information is only shared on a need-to-know basis.
If someone is 关注ed about you and shares their 关注 with the CARE Team, 您可以期待CARE团队的代表与您联系 to assess what resources would be beneficial to you and collaboratively develop an action plan with you to reduce obstacles to your success at Shenandoah. The CARE Team’s collaboration with you is confidential and will not be shared with fellow students, 家庭成员, 工作人员, 没有你的允许或合法的理由就这样做.
Are communications and meetings with CARE Team representatives confidential?
The information shared with the CARE Team does not fall under the same confidentiality levels of a healthcare provider or psychotherapist/counselor. Every effort is made to protect your privacy and the information discussed will only be shared in the context of assisting the student. CARE团队将在需要知道的基础上分享信息.
了解更多信息或问题, please contact the 负责学生事务的副总裁兼院长, 苏奥德利, at 540-545-7399.
If you are having difficulty meeting your basic needs, the CARE Team is here to help. For a list of on-campus and community resources that can provide assistance and support for either yourself or someone else, 请与Holli菲利普斯联系hphillip@warocolor.com. 您也可以提交一个 关注学生报告, if you would like to be connected with any of these resources or if you are in need of a resource not listed here.